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14-day return policy

You have the right after paying for the product, but before product delivery, to cancel your order by sending a registered mail with a corresponding message along with order number and your bank account number to Euronics store address.

After receiving the product you have the right to familiarize yourself with it during 14 days time. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the purchased product, you have the right to return it in 14 days time by sending a corresponding message along with order number, your bank account number and the address where the returned products are located to Euronics e-shop e-mail address or by calling the SIA „Euronics Latvia” client support number 67555888. Computer games, console games, computer software, as well as body care and hygiene products are not subject to product return policy.

When cancelling the order according to sect. 6.1, or when returning the product according to sect. 6.2, the clent is returned the sum paid for the order, including the delivery fee, back to the client's bank account not later than 30 days after cancelling the order, or in case of returning the product, from the moment of receiving the corresponding message, except for cases stipulated by sections 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 of the General Terms.

The returned product must be fully complete, in original packaging (should contain all the items contained in the product packaging: cables, plastic bags, polystyrene foam packaging, etc.). Should the product be purchased during a campaign with some other product bundled with it, the whole bundle is to be returned (i.e. all the products). 

When returning the product, the Euronics e-shop retains the right to demand the transportation fee from the client and to deduct the transportation fee from the sum due to be returned

Should the returning product (and/or product packaging) be degraded, and should such degradation (i) be caused by circumstances, which SIA  „Euronics Latvia” cannot be held responsible for, or (ii) be caused as a result of an inappropriate usage, SIA  „Euronics Latvia” has the right to deny the client's return claim in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet Council №207 sect. 15 (Rules of Remote Agreements). 

Form for returning goods