Electrolux - Universal descaler
8.99 €
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Our salt stops limescale and calcium build-ups which negatively affect your appliances. This salt can be used in dishwashers and selected washing machines, to keep your dishes shining and your colourful clothes looking vibrant.
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No instruction manual (much to add).
Puudub kasutamisjuhend (palju lisada).
Hello, dear Lehti! Thank you for your feedback! There is no user manual for Electrolux dishwasher and washing machine salt because a general guide would not give the user a clear understanding of how much and how often salt needs to be added to the devices used in your household. The exact amount and the need to add the salt for a specific washing machine and dishwasher can be found in the user manual of your device. Kind regards
Tere, hea Lehti! Täname Teid jäetud tagasiside eest! Electroluxi nõudepesumasina ja pesumasina soolal puudub kasutusjuhend kuna üldistatav juhend ei annaks kasutajale selget arusaama sellest kui palju ja kui tihti soola tuleb seadmetele lisada. Täpsem kogus ja lisamise vajadus kindla pesumasina ja nõudepesumasina puhul on leitav Teie seadme kasutusjuhendis. Lugupidamisega
Hello, dear Lehti Thank you for your feedback! There is no user manual for Electrolux dishwasher and washing machine salt because a general guide would not give the user a clear understanding of how much and how often salt needs to be added to the devices used in your household. The exact amount and the need to add the salt for a specific washing machine and dishwasher can be found in the user manual of your device. Kind regards
Tere, hea Lehti! Täname Teid jäetud tagasiside eest! Electroluxi nõudepesumasina ja pesumasina soolal puudub kasutusjuhend kuna üldistatav juhend ei annaks kasutajale selget arusaama sellest kui palju ja kui tihti soola tuleb seadmetele lisada. Täpsem kogus ja lisamise vajadus kindla pesumasina ja nõudepesumasina puhul on leitav Teie seadme kasutusjuhendis. Lugupidamisega
Hello, dear Lehti Thank you for your feedback! There is no user manual for Electrolux dishwasher and washing machine salt because a general guide would not give the user a clear understanding of how much and how often salt needs to be added to the devices used in your household. The exact amount and the need to add the salt for a specific washing machine and dishwasher can be found in the user manual of your device. Kind regards
Tere, hea Lehti Täname Teid jäetud tagasiside eest! Electroluxi nõudepesumasina ja pesumasina soolal puudub kasutusjuhend kuna üldistatav juhend ei annaks kasutajale selget arusaama sellest kui palju ja kui tihti soola tuleb seadmetele lisada. Täpsem kogus ja lisamise vajadus kindla pesumasina ja nõudepesumasina puhul on leitav Teie seadme kasutusjuhendis. Lugupidamisega